Liesl Codrington Liesl Codrington

Planning for older people - promoting wellbeing and longevity

Place is inextricably linked to longevity, and a wellbeing mindset is a crucial part of the longevity puzzle. As planners, human geographers, stakeholder engagement experts, and government officials we have a significant role to play to apply our knowledge to planning our cities, regions and communities for the longevity and wellbeing of older people.

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Liesl Codrington Liesl Codrington

Creating better places for people with neurodiversity

Considering the experiences of all people, and being inclusive in the way we plan and design is essential. We need to not just plan for ourselves and our own preferences, but think about all people, and include them in the design process from the start. If we don’t design inclusively, we are designing for a narrow portion of the population and further entrenching  our inherent biases and the status quo. 

Planning and designing better places includes designing for neurodiversity, and is an important step to a more inclusive and considerate world.

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Liesl Codrington Liesl Codrington

Designing cities and places for a better future by including our youth

Engaging with children in our place-making and urban design does many things to benefit our projects and our communities and, in my view, should be a priority in the work we undertake. There are many ideas for how we can do this - include them in our engagement plans from the beginning, use hands-on engagement techniques, incorporate their inputs (even if they challenge the orthodox way of thinking) and genuine, active listening.

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